The various rules and guidance documents are available in PDF at the links below:-
KCC Photo Group competition rules
Guidance for subjects of 2024-2025 season competitions
Guidance for competition judges
Notes on Inter-Club (External) Competitions
At the beginning of each season members can submit files, and prints when requested, for consideration by the Committee to represent the Club in external competitions.
A pool of selected PDIs and prints will be used in friendly ‘battles’ with one or more other clubs.
A carefully selected pool of fifteen PDIs will represent the Club in rounds of the Rosebowl Competition, the flagship Projected Digital Image Competition of the CACC (Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs) to which Kidlington Camera Club is affiliated.
It is usual and preferable for images used in the previous season’s competitions to be offered for selection. These will have already been judged which gives some indication of their standard. Importantly, it ensures a consistent supply of good quality images each year and allows the selected PDIs and print pool to be retained by the Committee for the whole season.