Club Ethos
Our aim is to have fun with photography. We have a range of members in terms of age and ability and we welcome newcomers at any time.
We continue holding meetings on Zoom and in person. As with our in-person meetings, visitors are welcome to our on-line Zoom meetings. You might like to join us for a night to decide if you’d like to join the club, or you might wish to join us for a meeting where we have a special speaker from outside the club.
September meetings are free of charge.
October onward meetings with external speakers will incur £5 charge.
Please check our programme for details of upcoming speakers and to buy tickets, which are generally available via Eventbrite. If you encounter any problems with tickets or if you'd like to join us, please contact our Club Secretary for details.
Please note that if you then decide to become a full member of the club for the season, a proportion of this £5 will be taken off the price of your membership for the year.
Club Activities
Talks, workshops and education
From a mix of members and external speakers
Travel and events photography
Tips and techniques
Editing software
Practical workshops
Regular themed competitions
To encourage you to get out and about with your camera
Different themes to encourage you to look at different subjects
Learn from the judge's feedback of your work and that of others
Enjoy seeing the images created by other club members
Social events
Christmas party
End of year dinner and trophy presentation
Ad hoc events throughout the summer
Virtual meetings via Zoom and in-person meetings at Foresters Hall on Monday evenings at 7.30pm from September to April (check programme for details and exceptions)
Subscriptions 2024 - 2025
£5 per evening, cash or bank transfer
(part to be refunded
if you become a member)
Annual subscription:
(with approximately 31 evenings
per season this represents good value)
Adult (over 18): £70
Additional adult family: £50 each
Junior (14 - 18): £35
Committee 2024 - 2025
Chair: Phil Kemp
Secretary: Lesley Adams
Treasurer: Astrid van Maanen
Competition Secretary: Mike Conley
Programme Secretary: Kim Benson
Judges Secretary: Ric Gillams
Members Reps: Julie Noble & Paul Press
External Competitions: Terry Pollard
Website: Mike Conley
The Club
Founded in April 1961, KCC Photo Group currently has over 20 members with a wide range of ages, backgrounds and interests. We aim to encourage involvement and enjoyment of all forms of still photography in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and are always pleased to welcome visitors and new members.
Cameras and Media
Members use wide variety of equipment and media, including mobile phones and tablets, and all are welcome.
Digital images for projection (PDI) have the attraction of being considerably cheaper to produce than prints, but it is hoped that plenty of prints will be forthcoming to ensure a good supply of material for our exhibitions. Whether you print at home or use a commercial processor, it makes no difference how your photographs are produced as all methods are valid as long as the resulting image is your own work.